Saturday, 17 September 2011

ICORE 2011 Accepted papers online

The paper to be presented at the International Conference on Reputation 2011 (co-located with ESSA 2011) are now online:

Unfortunately I can not be there :-(

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Flattr - The Social Way to Get Paid Online

A system of micro-payments for distributing payments for stuff we use...


Thursday, 28 July 2011

World Economics Association - Progress Report

Dear Member of the World Economics Association,
The WEA is now two months old.  So I thought I should give you a brief report on how things stand.  
Membership is now over 6,000.  Donations total nearly £13,000.
The Journals
Seven of the ten co-editorships of the WEA ’s two new journals have been filled.  These are as follows.  
Economic Thought
John Latsis , UK, Reading Univeristy  
Annalisa Rosselli , Italy , Rome La Sapienza   
Alejandro Nadal , Mexico , El Colegio de Mexico 
World Economics Journal
Zhu Andong , China , Tsinghua University , Beijing
Jayati Ghosh , India , Jawaharial Nehru University
Norbert Häring , Germany , Handelsblatt
Michael Hudson , USA , University of Missouri at Kansas City
We have chosen and are in the process of purchasing an online journal software system for the WEA ’s three journals. It should be up and running by late August.  When it is, you will be notified so that you can submit papers. We will also at that time be looking for volunteers to perform various tasks involved in the production of the journals.  Meanwhile the editors of the World Economic Journal have already begun work at putting together the first issue.  My WEA work commitments have delayed the publication of issue no. 57 of the real-world economics review, but it should be out soon.
Editorial Boards have been formed for the three journals and are listed here for the WEJ, here for ET, and here for the RWER.
Online Conferences: Volunteers needed
This link to our Guidelines for Conferences explains the anticipated conference setup.  The Guidelines are open to amendment.  We are currently investigating online conference software.  It is likely that we will opt for a system that is a module of our journal software.  In any case we need: 
- 3 or 4 people to serve on the Conference Organisation Committee as described in the Guidelines,.
- Conference Leaders as also described in the Guidelines.  This role especially concerns people who have a topic or set of topics that they would like to make the focus of a conference.
- one or more people with a bit of IT knowledge may also be needed.
Executive Committee
Progress with establishing the World Economics Association reached the point where it needed a top layer of formal structure in addition to its legal status as a Community Interest Company (CIC) under UK law.  A formal constitution with procedures for electing officers and Executive Committee members is being prepared, but things are not yet far enough advanced for its adoption and enactment.  Therefore we have recruited an interim Executive Committee. Its members are currently as follows.
Juan Carlos Moreno Brid , Mexico UN Economic Com. for Latin America and the Caribbean  
C. P. Chandrasekhar , India , Jawaharlal Nehru University
Ping Chen , China , Peking University and Fudan University  
Edward Fullbrook , UK , Real-World Economics Review
James K. Galbraith , USA , University of Texas at Austin
Grazia Ietto-Gillies , Italy / UK , London South Bank University      
Steve Keen , Australia , University of Western Sydney
Tony Lawson , UK , Cambridge University
Peter Radford , USA , Radford Free Press
Dani Rodrik , USA , Harvard University  
Your ideas for the development of the WEA are welcome.
I and my co-organizers Peter Radford, Norbert Häring , Grazia Ietto-Gillies, Vicki Harris and Valerie Radford, who have worked hard for many months, thank you for your support.  We hope that you will continue to spread the word among your colleagues and encourage them to join the World Economics Association.  Six thousand members is an excellent beginning.
Edward Fullbrook

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Formation of the World Economics Association

An invitation that reached me from the Real-World Economics Review.  Founder members from the UK include:
  • Edward Fullbrook, Real-World Economics Review
  • Geoffrey Hodgson, University of Hertfordshire
  • Tony Lawson, Cambridge University
  • Paul Ormerod, Voltara Consulting

Its free to join and might be more open and inclusive than existing Economics assocations.


We, the 141 economists from the 40 countries listed below, invite you to join the World Economics Association which we are launching today.
Two commitments listed in our Manifesto sum up the project.
1. To plurality. The Association will encourage the free exploration of economic reality from any perspective that adds to the sum of our understanding.  To this end, it advocates plurality of thought, method and philosophy.
8. To global democracy.  The Association will be democratically structured so as not to allow its domination by one country or one continent.
The creation of the WEA addresses an obvious gap in the international community of economists – the absence of a truly international, pluralist association. Today’s digital technology makes it feasible to close this gap quickly and cheaply through a bottom-up, grass-roots approach.
The WEA has been legally constituted in the United Kingdom as a “Community Interest Company”, a special legal category (with an asset lock) for non-profit organizations whose purpose is to serve the public interest.
Membership of the World Economics Association is free.  To join, all that you need to do is go  here    and then enter your name, email address and country and then click.    You will also be given the option of providing us with a few professional details, but none of these are required. You will receive an email confirming your membership of the WEA .  You will also be given the opportunity to make a donation to the running of the WEA .  We want to emphasize that the WEA has no major donors, neither institutional nor individual, behind it.
The WEA will initially publish three journals, two of them new.  Online access will be free to members, with print copies available to libraries and individuals for a fee.  The WEA ’s very large membership from which to draw papers will ensure a high standard of scholarship. The general-purpose flagship journal will be the World Economics Journal. The other new journal, Economic Thought , will focus on the history, methodology and philosophy of economics.  The Real-World Economics Review will henceforth be published under the umbrella of the WEA .  If you wish, you may read a  document  detailing the structures and procedures, which include an open review process, for the journals. 
From its website, the WEA will also run online conferences.
Help economics and yourself.  Become a WEA member now .  

Monday, 11 April 2011

A special session on SCIVE at ECCS 2011, Sept 2011, Montpellier, France

There will be a special session on the Social Complexity of Informal Value Exchange at the 7th European Social Simulation Association Conference, September 19-23, 2011, Montpellier - France. 

This is (in my opinion) the best social simulation conference in the world.  For more details see:

Thursday, 3 February 2011

CfP: 2nd International Conference on Reputation (ICORE 2011)

          2nd International Conference on
                          (ICORE 2011)
           Montpellier, France, September 19th, 2011


                         co-located with
                           ESSA 2011


** Abstract submission: June, 1st, 2011 **
Full papers required on June, 15th.
Notification of acceptance: July, 10th.
The conference will take place on September, 19th.


The second International Conference on *Reputation*: 'Society, Economy, Trust' takes over the success of the Gargonza's first edition ( as a point of convergence in the interdisciplinary study of reputation.

The study of reputation and gossip is paramount in many fields of the social sciences, for example organization science, policy-making, (e-)governance, cultural evolution, social dilemmas, socio-dynamics, and sociobiology. Interest in reputation is increasing in philosophy, psychology, social psychology, sociology, and cognitive science; formal models appear in game theoretical, mathematical, and physics journals; computational reputation systems are among the most studied subjects in multi-agent technology and social simulations.

Our objective is that of providing a common ground for all the interested disciplines to share techniques and ideas on a stage where the selection process approach is founded not on one specific method, and even less on established practices and rituals, but rather on an open-minded scientific approach to the the object of study.

This year, the  conference focuses on the foremost of Reputation relatives, trust, and their effects together on the economy, and on the society as a whole. What is the link between reputation and trust on one side, and social well-being, equality and happiness on the other? We invite contributions on reputation and trust, and how these come to effect the society of agents that use them, ranging from web reputation platforms to informal models of gossip. Trust and reputation as means to build social capital and to overcome inequality and misunderstandings are deeply needed from society just now.


We invite papers from all scientific communities working on reputation.

Topics for ICORE 2011 include but are not limited to:

   * Theory of reputation
   * Simulation of reputation
   * Computational models of reputation
   * Agent reputation models
   * Ontologies of reputation
   * Logical formalization of reputation
   * Experimental evidence of reputation diffusion
   * Reputation-based e-government, e-learning, e-business
   * Reputation in p2p systems
   * Reputation in grid environments
   * Reputation for partner selection
   * Incentives in reputation mechanisms
   * Image and reputation
   * Reputation management and optimisation
   * Reputation and social networks
   * Reputation and norms
   * Reputation and altruism, reciprocity, and cooperation
   * Reputation and trust
   * Reputation for sabotage tolerance in large-scale applications
   * Reputation and exchange
   * Reputation and institutions
   * Reputation and social capital
   * Corporate and firm reputation
   * Reputation and peer review
   * Reputation, trust, and societal cohesion
   * Reputation, trust and equality


Please check the conference website ( where detailed information on how to submit papers will appear.

Submission is in two steps: extended abstract first, followed by an open discussion phase, then full paper. See important dates above.


Papers should present novel ideas related to reputation, clearly motivated by problems from current practice or applied research.

We expect claims to be substantiated by theoretical or formal analysis, experimental evaluations, comparative studies, and so on. Authors are also encouraged to submit application papers. Application papers are expected to address an indication of the real world relevance of the problem that is solved, including a description of the deployment domain, and some form of evaluation of performance, usability, or superiority to alternative approaches.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Call for Papers: a planned special issue of "Real World Economics Revue"

Call for contributions on the Social Complexity of Informal Value Exchange: A special issue/section of "Real World Economics Review"

Whilst traditionally Economics focuses on markets where the mechanisms of price and economic rationality might dominate, we call for contributions that consider a wider class of social phenomena.

That is target systems which:
  • involve the passing of value in a more general sense, such as traditional value-transmission systems, informal sharing between friends, alternative currencies, general sytems to regulate and support cooperation, as well as more traditional markets
  • might crucially involve other social mechanisms such as social networks, group membership, social norms, reputation, friendship, altruism, kinship, semantically rich communication etc. as well as those of price
  • require research approaches that differ from those traditionally used in economics including agent-based simulation, qualitative approaches, ethnography, virtual worlds etc.. as well as those of analytic mathematics
These contributions are intended to form a special issue of the "Real-World Economics Review".  This means that submissions must be:
  1. Of interest to the wide audience that reads RWER
  2. To be of a non-technical nature, accessible to an informed and enquiring member of the public
  3. To illustrate any abstract points with worked examples
  4. To be in pure text (txt), PDF, or Word 2003/7 (.doc) format
  5. To be emailed to me, Bruce Edmonds ( by June 15th 2011.
Contributions will be initially reviewed by a small program comittee selecting for:
  • Importance in terms of the novelty and significance of their insight and ideas
  • We are looking for carefully considered pieces, while unconventional views are actively sought, we are not interested to polemic per se
  • Interest to and accessibility for a fairly general audience
  • Relevance to the call in the sense that it goes beyond traditional economics in some of the widenings (a), (b) and (c) listed above (not necessarily all of them).
Final editorial control remains in the hands of the general RWER editor, Edward Fullbrook.

The RWER has a very large readership, so such a special issue could be influential beyond the normal confines of academia.

We are looking forward to your contributions.

Bruce Edmonds, David Hales, Mario Paolucci and Juliette Rouchier