Thursday, 29 April 2010

SCIVE 2010 gets support also from ESSA

the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA) has agreed to give the SCIVE'2010 workshop €1000 under some reasonable conditions.  Along with the AssystICT funding this should mean we are able to provide some support to those young/underrepresented researchers with some of their costs.

Submission deadline extended to 12th May!

Graciously we have decided to extend the submission deadline to 12th of May in response to a couple of requests.  This has nothing to do with the fact that I am still working on my model - really!  ;-)

Domenico Parisi and Edoardo Mollona join SCIVE PC

I am very please to announce that
  • Prof. Domenico Parisi (ISTC-CNR, Rome)
  • Dr. Edoardo Mollona (Univ. of Bologna)
Have aggreed to join the PC of SCIVE'2010

Friday, 2 April 2010

Some papers on "Generalised Exchange"...

...which seems to cover a lot of what we call "Informal Exchange".

Thursday, 1 April 2010

SCIVE 2010 publication

We have an "in principle" agreement from the editor of Real-World Economics Review to publish a selection of revised papers resulting from the SCIVE 2010 workshop in a special section.